Personnel Folders 1.6.0

Bulk Apply Time Off Benefit Policy

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The bulk apply time off benefit policy feature allows you to apply a previously defined time off benefit policy to multiple employees at the same time.  (If you haven't defined any policies, click on "Add Policy..." to create a new policy.)  To access this feature, select "Bulk Apply Time Off Benefit Policy" from the "Schedules" menu.


If your company only has one policy for everyone that has never changed, then you would simply have a single policy defined and then select all employees to apply it to.  You can define as many policies as needed based on current or historical benefit accrual rules.


Note: If you are creating a historical policy, you can specify the date it ended at this point or you can specify the policy end date in the policy edit window.  Providing the end date in either place will provide the same results.


Simply follow the following instructions to complete the input process (These instructions are also provided on-screen):


1)Double-click or click ">>>" to select the employees to apply the benefit policy to.
2)Select the policy you want to apply to the previously selected employees.
3)Select the beginning and ending date. 
·(The policy will not start applying to an employee until after their hire date or benefit start date, even if the benefit period is set before that.  If the policy is still in use, do not set an end date.)
4)Click "OK".


This bulk apply process will create an individual time off benefit entry for each employee specified.  To make any future changes to anything created during this process, you must access each employees time off benefit entry individually. 


Note:  It is highly recommended that all employees have a hire date or benefit start date specified.  If neither date is set, then the employee will start accruing time off benefits at the specified benefit period start date, even if they hadn't started working at that time.



See also:

Tutorial: Time Off Benefits

Tutorial: Create a time off benefit policy

Tutorial: Assign a policy to multiple employees at the same time

Tutorial: Create an individual time off benefits entry

Tutorial: Track time off benefits without entering all of an employees historical data

Tutorial: View a time off benefits report

User Guide: Add/Edit Time Off Benefit Policy

User Guide: Add/Edit Time Off Benefit Entry

User Guide: Sample Time Off Benefit Policies


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