Personnel Folders 1.6.0

Create a new employee

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1)Select the Employees main window tab.
2)Select the Employees section from the left menu bar.
3)From the employee controls, select Add Employee. (or select Add Employee from the Employees menu)
4)Fill out the Add Employee form with the following information:
·First Name: Julie
·Last Name: Berry
·Hire Date: February 15, 2002
5)Click the Add Employee button at the top of the form.
6)The employee will now be listed in table. Repeat this process to add the following employee:
·First Name: Anna
·Last Name: Walker
·Hire Date: May 20, 2002
7)The second name will now be listed in the table.
8)Right-click on the employee Julie Berry and select Edit from the popup menu. Enter the following information on the specified tabs:
·Standard Info
oGender: Female
oEmployee ID: 9-12345
oBirthdate: 08-01-1960 (you must check the box in order to be able to enter a date)
·Addresses - Primary Address
oType: Home
oAddress: 123 Main St.
oCity: Anytown
oState: ST
oZip: 12345
oCountry: USA
oPhone Number 1 Type: Home
oPhone Number 1: (101) 555-1234
oEmail Address 1:
9)Click the "Save and Close" button at the top of the Edit Employee form.


You have just created two new employees.  You have also defined some additional information for one of the employees.


Note: Setting a birthdate for an employee will automatically create a birthday Special Day item for the employee. This will show up on the calendars as a reoccurring annual schedule item.



See also:

User Guide: Add/Edit Employee


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