Personnel Folders 1.6.0 Import Employee List |
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The employee import feature allows you to automatically create employees in Personnel Folders based on data in an external file. To access the employee import feature, select "Import Employee List" from the "File" menu under the "Import External Data" option. You must have a data file open in order for this option to be enabled.
The external data file needs to be a text file with records and fields uniquely delimited. For example, the following example shows a valid input file with each field separated with a comma and each record separated with a new line:
You can use any character for a delimiter. It is also recommended that you include the field headers in your input file so it is easier to match up the input fields with the corresponding data fields in Personnel Folders. It is ok for the text fields to be separated by quotes. There are options to automatically remove quotes as well as the header line so that it doesn't show up in the final data.
The available fields that can be imported include:
For Job Position, Location, and Department fields, this should be in text format. If no group already exists by that name, a new group will be created.
Current and last job information will be stored in a work status entry associated with the employee. The view and edit this work status information later, just open up an employee edit window and select the work status tab.
Your input file does not have to include every one of these fields. If your input file includes additional fields which do not map to any of these, then you must associate that data field with one of the provided "Unspecified" fields in the "Column Order" box. This ensures that the proper field order is maintained.
Simply follow the following instructions to complete the input process (These instructions are also provided on-screen):
The import procedure will then report how many employees were successfully inputted. One requirement enforced by the input process is that each employee must have a unique name. If there are duplicate employee names in the input file, then only the first one will be imported.
TIP: Depending on the amount of data in the import file, it could take Personnel Folders to refresh the input table after each setting change. To speed up this process, uncheck the "Auto-refresh table" box. This will allow you to make as many changes as needed without the table refreshing each time. You can then click the "Refresh" button to force the table to refresh so you can check to make sure you have the data fields set up correctly.
See also: Tutorial: Import a list of employees from an external file
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