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OPSCENTER 2 INSTALLATION GUIDE (QUICK) (Audama Software - Products - OpsCenter 2 - Documentation - Installation Guide (Quick))
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Document Name: OpsCenter 2 Installation Guide (Quick)
Last Updated: June 15, 2004
OpsCenter Versions: 2.0.0 to 2.1.1
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Quick installation Guide:

Installation Overview: The Business OpsCenter is a client program that is installed on each user's computer. Each client will connect to a centralized database file which allows clients to share information and communicate with each other. There is not any server program that always needs to be running. The centralized database file does need to be available at all times though. Installation wizards will guide you through the entire database and user setup process.

From the time the setup.exe program is executed, the menus and on-screen instructions should guide you through the entire installation process. Below is a brief outline of the whole setup process:

  1. Install the first OpsCenter client on any workstation (preferably on the workstation used by the person who is going to administrate the OpsCenter system).
  2. Create a new user profile on the workstation.
  3. Create a new OpsCenter database (set the database path to a folder that is read/write accessible by all users and computers that will be running OpsCenter clients.).
  4. Set up a new OpsCenter user (the first user will be a full administrator on the OpsCenter system).
  5. Once the first user has been added, select that user as the default user for the computer. Depending on certain settings, OpsCenter may then start up directly in the system tray. Just click on the OpsCenter icon to bring up the main window.
  6. Under the "Admin Controls" menu, select the "Manage Users" (A.K.A - "Edit Users") option to add all the remaining user names.
  7. When all the users are created, install the OpsCenter program on the remaining workstations.
  8. On all the subsequent OpsCenter workstation installations, create a new user profile but select the existing database that was created during the first OpsCenter setup.
  9. Select the default user for each workstation from the list of users created in step 6.
  10. OpsCenter will remember the user name and database location when it starts.

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