Personnel Folders 1.6.1

Create a new work status entry

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This tutorial entry will guide you through creating actual data in Personnel Folders. Some instructions will reference data inputted in previous tutorial sections. This is because the instructions are set up to go through all sections from beginning to end. However, looking at the instructions in a single section only should still be sufficient to learn how to accomplish the task.



1)Select the Employees main window tab.
2)Select the Employees section from the left menu bar.
3)Right-click on the employee Julie Berry and select Edit from the popup menu.
4)Click on the Work Status tab.
5)Click the Add button to bring up an Add Work Status form and fill it out with the following information:
·Employee: Julie Berry
·Position: Administrative Assistant
·Manager: Anna Walker
·Wage: $13 hourly
·Start Date: June 15, 2003
6)Click the Add Work Status button at the top of the form.
7)The work status entry will now be listed in the work status table.
8)Close the Edit Employee window using any method you choose.


Note: Setting the position field to Administrative Assistant will automatically assign the employee to that grouping while this work status entry is still active. The work status entry remains active until an end date has been set and that date has passed. The group assignment to Administrative Assistant cannot be modified in the group controls. It can only be modified in this work status entry.



See also:

User Guide: Add/Edit Work Status


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