Personnel Folders 1.6.1

Import a list of employees from an external file

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1)Save the text in the Sample Data section below to a file called: c:\employees.txt
2)In Personnel Folders, select Import Employee Data from the File menu under Import External Data.
3)Click on the Browse button and locate and select the file c:\employees.txt.  Click OK.
4)In the Column Order section, uncheck the following column "Middle Name".
5)In the Column Order section, select (don't uncheck) the column "Employee ID" and click the up arrow until the column is at the top of the list.
6)In the Additional Options section, check the box that says Input file contains header line.
7)Click OK.


You will now see three new employees in the employee table.




Sample Data:

Emp ID, First Name, Last Name, Birthdate, Hiredate

5012-A, Beverly, Cobb, 06-11-1977, 3-15-2000

5000-C, Bruce, Allen, 05-02-1972, 5-9-1999

4888-Q, Jack, Meyers, 11-22-1963, 9-19-2001




See also:

User Guide: Import Employee List


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