The Business OpsCenter 3.8.2

Changing Status

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The in/out board and employee statuses are part of the core of the OpsCenter system.  An employee's status consists of a text status label (In, Out, DND, etc.), a return date/time, and a memo.


Setting The Status


The are many ways to control an employee's status.  This includes:

Select a status from the My Status menu.  This will apply the new status for the current user.
Right-click on the OpsCenter system tray icon and select a status from the My Status menu.  This will apply the new status to the current user.
Select a status from the Control Panel Toolbar.  This will apply to whichever employee is selected in the User field.
Right-click on an employees name on the status table.  Then select a status that will be applied to the specified employee.


In addition to the above manual controls for changing an employees status, there are some automated methods as well:

A vacation schedule will automatically set the employee's status to VACA and apply the provided memo if applicable.  The Back At time will also be set to the workday after the vacation schedule ends.
An out-of-office schedule will automatically set the employee's status and memo to whatever is specified in the schedule.  The Back At time will also be set to the workday after the out-of-office schedule ends.
A PTO schedule will automatically set the employee's status and memo to whatever is specified in the schedule.  The Back At time will also be set to the workday after the PTO schedule ends.


Custom Statuses


The core status types in OpsCenter are defined as IN, OUT, DND, VACA, and No Status.  These core types cannot be modified but you can create status aliases which provide new status options based on the core status types.


Can't Change Status


There are a couple reasons why a user won't be able to modify their own or another employee's status:

The user may not have sufficient permissions to modify their own or another employee's status.  (See the Managing User Permissions section for more information on this.)

The user may have their status locked.  (See the User Manager section for more information on this.  Make sure the Lock Status option is disabled if the user needs to be able to change their own status.)

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