The Business OpsCenter 3.8.2

Sending/Receiving Vacation Requests

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If the administrator has enabled the option to require all vacation entries to have approval before posting to the calendar, then you will have to submit a vacation request.


Send Vacation Request
oTo send a phone message to a user, click on Send Vacation Request from the Action menu.  You can also select the Send Vacation Request icon from the Main Toolbar or from the Object Toolbar. Another option is to select Send Vacation Request when right-clicking a user on the status table. These options will be grayed out or hidden if the administrator has disabled the vacation request feature in the System Controls.
oSimply set the "From" and "To" date of the vacation as well as an optional memo to appear during the vacation period. An optional message to the recipient of the request can also be entered. The list of possible recipients is set by the administrator in the user controls.
oSend the vacation request and it will pop up on the screen and appear in the message inbox of the desired recipient.  A copy of the sent vacation request will be saved in the sent messages section of the Communication Manager.
oYou will receive a note back when the recipient has either approved or denied your request. An approved request is automatically posted to the calendar. Your status will automatically be changed to "VACA" and the memo will be set when the vacation starts. Your status will be taken off "VACA" and the memo will be cleared when the vacation ends.


Receive Vacation Request
oTo receive a vacation request, it will automatically pop up on your screen based on the pop up settings in your Preferences.  Vacation requests that do not automatically popup are still stored in the Communication Manager.
oWith a received vacation request, you have the option to Reply to the original sender or Forward the vacation request to someone else.  When replying, the reply message will be sent in the form of a note to the original sender.  When forwarding, the forwarded message will be in the form of a vacation request.  Once a request has been forwarded, only the new recipient can approve or deny the vacation request.
oTo respond to the request, select either to approve or deny it and then click the submit button. You can optionally enter in a message that will appear in the note that gets sent back to the requester. The note will also inform the user if their request was approved or denied.
oIf Approved,  a vacation schedule entry will automatically be created on the calendar.  If Denied, no vacation schedule will be created.  For both responses, a note will be sent back to the user who sent the vacation request informing them of your response.



See also:

Administration Guide: Enabling Vacation/PTO Requests


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